Tinnitus Treatment

At Coates Hearing Clinic, we strive to be a trusted and helpful resource for tinnitus treatment, no matter the degree or severity of your tinnitus. Fortunately, several treatments are available to help relieve tinnitus symptoms and improve quality of life.
During your tinnitus consultation, your audiologist will go over the various options for tinnitus treatment and will help you decide which one would best meet your needs and lifestyle.
Hearing Devices
Incorporating relaxation activities into your daily schedule can help alleviate the stress, frustration, and anger you may be experiencing with tinnitus because they can help you concentrate on something other than your symptoms. Your audiologist may suggest that you try relaxation activities, such as deep breathing exercises, yoga, and meditation, to help you manage your tinnitus better. Other relaxation activities such as walking, biking, cooking, swimming, and gardening, also have calming, beneficial effects.
You should work hard to obtain adequate rest and avoid over-fatiguing yourself because generally, patients who are tired seem to notice their tinnitus more. You should also avoid the use of nerve stimulants, such as excessive amounts of coffee and smoking.
Tinnitus Retraining Therapy (TRT)
One treatment that incorporates sound therapy is Tinnitus Retraining Therapy (TRT), also known as habituation therapy. This therapy attempts to retrain your brain into perceiving tinnitus in a different way. About 75% of people with tinnitus are not bothered by it, because their brains process it and file it as another everyday noise. TRT attempts to teach your brain how to process the noise so that it doesn’t bother you anymore (or not as much).
Tinnitus Treatment in Smithfield, NC
If you would like to make an appointment with our tinnitus experts, contact Coates Hearing Clinic at (984) 205-6863. You may also request an appointment online.