Noise Induced Hearing Loss-with guest author Dr. Gail M. Seigel
Noise Induced Hearing Loss-with guest author Dr. Gail M. Seigel At Coates Hearing Clinic, we are committed to helping our patients learn about hearing loss
Highlights from 2019
Highlights from 2019 Happy New yEARS! As I was reflecting back on the past year, I wanted to write a blog about the highlights from
Hearing Better for the Holidays
Hearing Better for the Holidays By Dr. Kathleen Coates, Audiologist/Owner Don’t judge but I started to listen to Christmas music the day after Halloween! Christmas
October is Audiology Awareness Month
October is Audiology Awareness Month By Dr. Kathleen Coates, Audiologist/Owner The American Academy of Audiology declared OCTOBER IS AUDIOLOGY AWARENESS MONTH in 2008. According to
Fall Prevention Awareness Day- September 23rd, 2019
Fall Prevention Awareness Day- September 23rd, 2019 By Dr. Kathleen Coates, Audiologist/Owner There’s no better day than the first day of Fall, the season, to