Coates Hearing Clinic, P.A.

August 2019 Newsletter

August 2019 – Volume 1 / Issue 4

Welcome Message

“We are glad you are part of our community outreach. We hope this resource helps you or someone you know.

This month is our first free educational seminar in a 4-part series of topics relating to hearing healthcare. The first presentation is coming up on Tuesday, August 13th from 11am-12pm at the Sleep Inn Meeting Room in Smithfield. Read below for more information!”

– Dr. Kathleen Coates

Monthly Highlight

We are offering free educational seminars to the community over the next 4 months! This month is PART 1. Each course will address a topic relating to hearing healthcare.

We hope you join us for a relaxed environment with refreshments while learning about a vital sense that connects us to others and has an impact on quality of life.


This month, Dr. Coates will be covering frequently asked questions relating to hearing loss treatment, such as hearing aids, cost, health insurance, audiology, warning signs, etc.

We hope you join us! Keep an eye out for other monthly seminars.

Research Spotlight


“The Effects of Amplification on Listening Self-Efficacy in Adults With Sensorineural Hearing Loss” (Kawaguchi, Wu, Miller; July 2019)

  • Sensorineural hearing loss is the most common type of hearing loss. It involves damage to the hair cells of the inner ear (cochlear) that is typically permanent. It can be caused by loud noise exposure, aging effects, certain health conditions (diabetes, heart disease, etc.) or other diseases/disorders of the ear. Hearing loss can increase listening effort, which can lead to fatigue, frustration, social isolation, depression, etc. when left untreated. 60% of people who experience hearing loss can be treated with the use of hearing aids. The other 40% may require surgery, medication or other treatment routes.
  • “Results of this study suggest that wearing hearing aids is associated with improved listening self-efficacy in a variety of communication environments.” Hearing aids make it easier to follow and engage in conversations. Results also showed lower levels of neuroticism (personality trait in individuals that are more likely to experience feelings of anxiety, frustration and depression).
    This is another study proving that hearing aids can help reduce the negative impact hearing loss can have on quality of life.

The Coates Hearing Clinic Difference

  • The diagnosed hearing loss is only one part in determining the recommended treatment route. We take the time to get to know patients, and discuss their story, in order to learn how hearing loss has affected their life. Patient-specific goals will be set from the beginning and re-assessed through the years as life changes.
  • Being fit with hearing aids by a provider who operates research-based, utilizing the latest research in treatment, will have positive long-term benefits on your hearing health and quality of life.

Best Fit Hearing Aids with Patient-Specific Goals in Mind

Improved Listening Self-Efficacy and Quality of Life

Technology Update

What are “Real Ear Verification Measures” and why is this test important?

  • This test is only available at 20-30% of clinics but is highly valuable with hearing aid fittings. Programming the hearing aids based off of a high-tech software is only one part. This test allows the doctor to verify that the hearing aids are set exactly where they need to be for greatest benefit.
  • Research has shown that by performing this test and adjusting the fitting based on the results, it improves patient’s ability to hear in the presence of background noise (groups, meetings, crowds, restaurants, etc.) and increases the patients’ overall perceived benefit from hearing aids in their daily life.
  • This testing is included as part of every hearing aid fitting at Coates Hearing Clinic, P.A.

Start Hearing Better Today
Request Appointment Online

Calendar of Events

Coates Hearing Clinic, P.A., is very active in our community. We will keep you informed of upcoming fun and educational events. Stay active!

Friday, August 9th
Carol’s Birthday! Administrative Assistant
Johnston Network on Aging Meeting

Tuesday, August 13th
Free Seminar Series- Part 1 “FAQs of Hearing Loss Treatment” When: 11am-12pm Where: Sleep Inn Meeting Room 270 N Equity Drive, Smithfield Refreshments Included RSVP to 919-300-5438

Saturday, August 24th
Dr. Coates Birthday!

If you would like to schedule a
free educational seminar
about good hearing health for your company or organization, please contact us today at 919-300-5438 to check availability!

Coates Hearing Clinic, P.A. values community education and strives to promote good hearing health at many local events coming up!

We Listen, You Hear.

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